Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Motivasi Untuk Diri Sendiri Part 2

Huahh gilaaa rasanya gw pengen meledak ledak... bete banget...
ini adalah minggu terrrrrrsuram dan bulan paling betein bangetzzzzz....
banyak banget hal yang bikin gw kesel, bete, dongkol, nyesek banget deh...
rasanya gw pengen maki - maki tu orang, pengen teriak - teriak, pengen nangis, tapi semuanya ga bisaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
dan gw cuma bisa menghela nafas dan berkata pada diri sendiri "sabar yeeee"
yaa cuma itu de obatnya.. sabar...
walaupun klo dipikir - pikir, mau sabar sampe kapaaaaaan??? sabar juga ada batasnya kaleee...
ni bisa darah tinggi lama - lama. kerja ga tenang, tidur ga tenang...
pengen rasanya kabur aja ke dimensi lain ( lebay.com )

klo uda lagi kesel ama orang aja, dosanya nambah de dengan ngata2in tu orang,
Rugi sendiri sih jadinya, tapi mau gimana lagi ya? pengennya si belaga bego, muka tembok, hati beton, tapi gak bisa... tetep aja kesel dan kepikiran.
But... ya sudahlah, nanti juga berlalu... 
READ MORE - Motivasi Untuk Diri Sendiri Part 2

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Rumput Tetangga Ngga Selalu Hijau

Rumput tetangga ngga selalu ijo, itu bukan kalimat asing lagi kan? Dan iklan rokok ( brandnya ga perlu disebut ye karena nanti dikira promosi  Photobucket) mengingatkanku  pada kalimat tersebut.
Diiklan tersebut, ceritanya si kambing loncat kehalaman tetangganya karena merasa rumput tetangganya lebih hijau dan nampak enak ( kalo ga salah sih gitu ya pikiran si kambing  Photobucket)

tapi, begitu susah payah masuk kedalam halaman tetangganya tersebut, apa yang ia dapat? rumput yang ia makan ternyata palsu?!?!?Photobucket
masih mending palsu doank, ada singanya pulak Photobucket, gawat banget kan tu. saat mau loncat kembali ke halaman sendiripun sulit Photobucket.
jadi, rumput sendiri lebih enak de meskipun penampilan rumputnya biasa aja ga "nampak" sehijau tetangga punya heheh..
Photobucket kita semuapun juga suka berpikir hal yang sama kan? eh si ini kayaknya happy - happy mulu ya, eh si itu kok beruntung banget ya.. eh kok si ini enak banget... si itu kaya ga ada beban...pengen banget kaya si ini kaya si itu.... loh, masing2 kan punya.kelebihan dan kekurangannya kan? apa yang kita lihat tentang orang lain belum tentu se-enak dan se-happy seperti yang kita lihat. masing - masing punya masalahnya sendiri , kok gak nampak? Mungkin kita aja yang ngga perhatiin.

Hargailah apapun yang kamu miliki, karena, apa yang kamu miliki juga belum tentu dimiliki oleh orang lain.
Dan ngga ada manusia yang sempurna dalam segala hal.
Yuk mulai menanamkan kalimat "Rumput kita lebih Enak dari pada Rumput Tetangga ! "
Eits... bukan berarti gw ngajakin semuanya jadi kambing yeee hehehe...

READ MORE - Rumput Tetangga Ngga Selalu Hijau

Jumat, 18 November 2011

First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 3

Sambungan dari First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 2

Hari Ke 4

Hari ini Ur kuliah dari pagi ampe sore, jadi kami akan jalan berdua lagi ke Malioboro.
start rumah jam 10 , kami jalan kaki ke Shelter Transjogja RS TNI ( lupa namanya )
lumayan juga jalan kaki kesana, ( lumayan cape maksudnya )
Kami transit 3 kali untuk mencapai Malioboro, pertama, kami naik TransJogja 1B, turun di Shelter Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka lalu nyambung 2A sampai ke RS Betesda, baru de nyambung lagi 1A dan tiba di Shelter Malioboro 1.

liad yang diujung kanan atas?
itu ukiran ikannya ^_^
Mulai lah kami jalan menyusuri Malioboro dari emperan sampe Ke Pasar Beringhardjo, lalu masuk lagi ke Mirota Batik, dan makan siang di Raminten. Kami duduk di Lantai 2 Raminten ( padahal Raminten sendiri ada di lantai 3 nya Mirota ) Nyobain makanan tempe penyet telor sambel, capcai dan pepes tuna.
Rasanya enak juga, dan disajikan dipiring yang uniq, ada ukiran ikan menonjol disalah satu sudut piring. Capcai nya juga beda ama yang biasa, ini capcai kering dan rasanya mantap de !
Habis makan, kami jalan lagi menyusuri pinggiran Malioboro. Jam 4 an Ur datang nyusul setelah selesai kuliah, Lalu kami ke Musem Benteng Vredeburg. Karena telat masuk, jam 4.30 Museum uda tutup, tapi kami  masi bisa keliling Museum, hanya saja Ruangan2 Diorama yang bikin penasaran uda pada tutup dan ada 1 ruangan yang terbuka tapi masi di renov juga dan juga gelap,. jadi aku ga berani masuk meskipun ada beberapa petugas mengatakan ngga pa pa kalo mau masuk.
Selesai ngambil poto di Benteng Vredeburg, kami jalan lagi nyari cemilan Lumpia ayam yang enak. Setelah itu Menuju Toko Oleh - oleh untuk membeli beberapa cemilan untuk dibawa pulang. Baru de pulang lagi pake TransJogja ^^,
Hari yang melelahkan, jalan seharian bikin kaki ku jadi sakit >_<
Malamnya kami berkemas - kemas menyiapkan barang bawaan kami karena ini adalah hari terakhir kami di Jogja.

Esok harinya, 
Kami terbang dengan Pesawat pukul 12.15 dari  bandara Adi Sucipto Jogjakarta dan tiba di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta pukul 13.20

Artinya, Liburan telah berakhir
Tapi Cukup puas de 5 hari 4 malam di Jogja!

Special Thanks.....

Thanks Berat buat sohib aku, Ursula yang uda repot2 nganterin kami jalan2 ke tempat2 wisata yang lumayan jauh dan uda minjemin kamar tidurnya ( pemilik kamar malah tergusur oleh kami hehehe) dan thanks juga buat keluarganya, mama Ur, dd nya Ur ( thanks buat Coklatnya ) dan koko nya Ur, ( thanks uda nganterin ke Borobudur dan nganterin mam Nasi Gudeng ) juga thanks buat Elda yang ngejemput kami dibandara juga nganterin kami ke Mirota, Kopi Jos, Alkit dan Tugu ( ampe pulangnya kemalaman ^^ ) terus ke Sunmor dan Kindai ^^, Lalu Thanks juga buat Momo yang uda ngejemput kami dari Prambanan menuju ke Pantai dan nganterin pulang juga meski rumahnya jauh dari rumah Ur ^^,
Dan terakhir Thanks buat Yuli, temen seperjalanan aku, kalo dia nggak ngajakin mungkin ngga ada ni cerita Trip ke Jogja hahahahah ^_^
Beruntung nya aku ketemu ama temen - temen yang baik ^_^

Sekian dulu deh cerita jalan2 ke Jogja nya... ^_^ mudah2an ada perjalanan selanjutnya lagi hohohoho

READ MORE - First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 3

Kamis, 17 November 2011

First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 2

Hari Ke2
Pagi sekitar jam 8 kami ke SunMor ( Sunday Morning ) di UGM, disana ada semacam pasar pagi yang banyak jualan cemilan ( tempura, batagor, es goreng, gorengan, cimol, cireng, dll ), makanan ( soto, nasi kuning, bubur, dll ) tas, pakaian, mainan anak, dan lain - lainnya, rame banget de.
Aku nyobain yang namanya tahu kentucky, 1 nya cuma Rp.500,-. itu cuma tahu biasa tapi yang bikin menarik adalah digoreng krispi seperti ayam goreng kentucky. Jadi kulit tahu itu tebal dan renyah, enak de

Lalu disana ada juga jualan jamu, tapi uniq ( kalo menurut ku ) karena biasanya kan jamu itu digendong atau model sekarang pake sepeda, nah.. ini pake gerobak dan botolnya berjejer kaya jualan minuman biasa gitu de, tersedia jamu beras kencur, kunyit asam dan jahe aja. Uniq nya lagi bisa diminum pake es, jadi kesannya kaya es teh gitu de

menjelang jam 10 kami keluar dari SunMor menuju ke Kindai untuk makan nasi kuning. Hmm... rame banget loh disana, nungguin sekitar setengah jam de baru pesanan kami datang.
nasi kuning ayam + hati di Kindai
Menu disana ada nasi kuning, dan soto Banjar. Nasi kuningnya ada beberapa pilihan, pake ayam, telor, hati, atau sapi. Soto banjarnya juga enak, ( walau cuma nyicip sesendok hihihi ) soto nya uda dicampur bareng nasi, ga kayak soto - soto yang laen kalo pake nasi, nasi nya ditaruh dipiring terpisah. Nah, kalo ini uda dicampur, sotonya pake piring ,bukan mangkok.

kembaran batiknya ^_^
Jam 11 an kami pulang lalu istirahat bentar baru de lanjut ke Borobudur sekitar jam 12an

Perjalanan ke Borobudur sekitar 1,5 jam dengan menggunakan motor. Pegel - pegel deh

Tiket masuk saat weekend per orang adalah Rp. 30.000,-

Setelah masuk, ga jauh dari pintu masuk, kami melihat sebuah stand, disana ada tulisan bahwa kami harus mengenakan kain batik yang disediakan disana sebelum naik ke Candi. dan kain tersebut adalah dipinjamkan secara Free dan harus dibalikkan dipintu keluar.

Untuk cowo, diikat disebelah kanan , sedangkan untuk cewe disebelah kiri. kebetulan kami ber4 pake kain yang motifnya sama.

Mulai de kami naik ke Borobudur. Kata Koko nya Ur, tradisinya kami mesti jalan memutari tingkat demi tingkat dari sebelah kiri sampai ke atas. Tapi.... sayang banget dibeberapa tingkat Candi sedang direnov jadi ditutup jalannya , akhirnya kami langsung aja de naik ke atas. Sambil ngintipin beberapa stupa pengen nemuin yang Rupang Buddha yang masih utuh didalam Stupa, tapi gak ada yang sempurna... ada yang ngga ada kepalanya ( kebanyakan ga ada kepalanya, aneh yak? ), ada yang ngga ada tangannya,atau cuma ga ada telapak tangannya. Dan setelah berputar putar sambil poto2 , kami ketemu 1 buah stupa yang terbuka dan nampak didalamnya ada Rupang Buddha.
perjalanan mendaki Borobudur ^_^
Cuaca agak mendung, tapi udara tetep panas, tapi menjelang sore, angin mulai bertiup lebih kencang dan banyak awan gelap diatas. Untungnya sih ga ujan selama kami disana. Skitar jam 3 kami keluar dari Kompleks Borobudur dan perjalanan balik lagi dengan motor, tiba dirumah Ur sekitar jam 4.30
kami istirahat dan merencakan akan makan malam dengan nasi gudeg , ehh.. malah ujan .. gak gitu gede sih, kami nungguin ampe jam 9 baru reda, ( masih rintik2 juga sih ) lalu kami buru2 de keluar , baru beberapa meter kami dijalan, rintik - rintik hujan mulai rame lagi... kami tetap tancap untuk makan nasi gudeg Ceker Seturan. hmm...enak de nasi gudegnya, cuma sedikit beda dengan yang ada di kampung aku, kalo dikampung aku gudengnya itu banyak kuahnya, klo ini kering. Terus ini ada krecek nya, terbuat dari Kulit sapi katanya, karena aku ga makan sapi, jadi aku kasi ke Ur dan Yuli.

Habis makan, kami ngobrol bentar sambil nunggu hujan reda, baru de setelah agak reda kami pulang.

Hari Ke 3

Rencana hari ke 3 adalah ke Candi Prambanan !
Planningnya pergi jam 9 tapi molor deh ampe jam 10an, Ur nganterin kami ke Shelter JEC untuk naik TransJogja ke Candi Prambanan. Kali ini kami jalan berdua aja. Cuacanya  cukup panas, Tiket masuk ke Candi Prambanan Rp. 20.000,- per orang dihari biasa. (kebetulan kami kesana pas hari senin )
Karena bukan weekend, jadi ngga terlalu rame de disana.
Halaman Candi bener - bener luas skali dan hijau, tapi disekitar candi Roro Jonggrang sendiri dasarannya berpasir gitu, sayang banget Candi utamanya dipagar, mungkin sedang direnov akibat dari gempa ?
karena beberapa anak candi lainnya juga dipintu -in.

aku cuma naik ke Candi Brahma dimana Candi itu adalah satu2 nya candi yang masih ada Arca didalamnya. Aku ga berani masuk dan cuma liad dari depan aja, karena didalam ruangan Arca itu gelap!

Selesai muterin area Candi Roro Jonggrang, kami berniat menuju ke Candi Sewu, kayaknya jauh tuh, kami melewati Candi Lumbuh ( kalo ga salah inget namanya itu ) Candi nya seperti sudah pada ambruk gitu de dan masi dalam tahap renov juga, akhirnya kami memutuskan mengakhiri perjalan ke Candi Prambanan sampe situ aja dan ga terusin ke Candi Sewu.
Sambil nunggu di jemput Ur, kami duduk dibawah pohon , ngadem sambil ngobrol dan perhatiin beberapa pasang Touris luar alias bule yang baru datang.
Jam 2 kami dijemput, dan Langsung Otw ke Pantai Parangtritis alias Paris.
Perjalanan lumayan jauh karena rute nya langsung dari Prambanan, sehingga untuk mencapai pantai tersebut kami butuh waktu sekitar 1,5 jam an de. pegel banget de duduk nya...
kami ke Depok ParangTritis, jadi bukan di Parangtritis pusatnya ( maksudnya bukan Pa-ris yang biasa di sebut2 ), karena diPantai Depok sini lah ada tempat mam Seafood
Kami belanja dulu ikan , cumi dan udang disana, lalu ada beberapa "mbak2" yang datang nawarin untuk masakin. Uniq juga sistem makan seafood disini. Akhirnya kami pilih tempat yang ada lantai 2 nya biar bisa sambil menatap pemandangan pantai.
langit sore menjelang malam dengan
awan2 juga angin bertiup kencang
Sambil nungguin makanan siap, kami minum Kelapa... gede banget kelapanya ampe kembung dan ga sanggup de habisinnya !
Jam Setengah 6 kami baru turun ke pantai , baru beberapa menit turun, cepet banget langitnya uda mulai gelap. kami ga maen air, cuma berdiri tepi pantai sambil mandangin laut. Angin mulai kencang dan makin gelap juga jadi kami bergegas pulang.
Perjalanan pulang ga selama dan sejauh saat kami datang dari Prambanan tadi. Jam 8 kami uda dirumah, cape banget... habis mandi, makan lagi, lalu istirahat de...

READ MORE - First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 2

First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 1

Well, kali ini rencana dadakan buat jalan - jalan ke Jogja ( ga dadakan banget sih karena tiket nya dibeli sekitar setengah bulan sebelumnya hihihi )

Untuk pertama kali nya aku naik yang namanya pesawat
Start from kos-an, sekitar jam 9.30 dijemput ama taxi, dan karena jalannya lancar kita sampai lebih cepat dari perkiraan. jam 9 kalo ga salah uda sampe di bandara Soe-tta.
Karena kita pake Air Asia, ternyata.... Air Asia itu ada di Terminal 3, so, kita naik shuttle bus bandara yang warnanya kuning. Lumayan lama tuh perjalanan dari Terminal 1 ke Terminal 3.

Nyampe2 uda jam 9.30 dan kita langsung check in, lupa boarding time nya jam berapa, pokoknya nunggu beberapa menit diruang tunggu lalu kami dan para penumpang lain disuruh naik ke bus untuk diantar ke pesawat ( nih pesawatnya di Terminal 1 kayaknya... jadi bolak balik??? )
kami nunggu didalam pesawat sekitar 20 menit an baru de pesawatnya take off . mestinya tuh 10.40 tapi mungkin karena uda komplit kali ye, belum jamnya uda terbang lebih awal sekitar 5-10 menit.

Saat didalam pesawat ( kebetulan nih aku di samping jendela ) aku perhatiin pemandangan yang ada dibawah sana, semua rumah dan gedung keliatan kaya miniatur, awan2 diatas pun rasanya jadi deket banget. Makin naik, makin tinggi, awannya malah ada disebelah dan lama2 ada yang dibawah kami. banyak banget awan nya, ada yang tipis - tipis, ada yang tebal dan besar seperti kapas.
di tengah perjalanan, si Kapten ( ga inget namanya ) menyapa penumpang skaligus ngasi tau ke kita cuaca di bberapa daerah yang kami lewatin agak kurang baik, tapi Di Jogja nya sendiri cuacanya biasa aja. ( kira2 gitu de yang dia sampein, yang jelas bahasanya lebih sopan dari aku hihihi )
beberapa menit kemudian, terlihat awan yang agak gelap lalu pesawat pun sedikit bergoncang ( mungkin karena angin nya agak kencang ) goncangannya itu kaya kalo kita naik motor kena polisi tidur :D
bedanya, ini di langit dan ga ada polisi tidur diawan :D

Tiba di bandara Adi Sucipto  Jogja sekitar jam 11.40 , aku sms ke temen aku si Ursula, ternyata dia uda dari jam 11 nungguin kami dibandara ama temen kuliahnya, Elda.
Cuaca disana...hmm.. langitnya si agak berawan, tapi udaranya panas banget wow...
Dengan motor, kami kerumah Ur dulu buat taruh barang bawaan trus keluar bentar makan di Sop Ayam Pak Min Klaten.
Servis nya bener2 cepet, baru kami pesan, pas baru mau duduk, uda datang sop dan nasinya. kalo bisa kasi rating, aku kasih rating 5 dah ahahaha...
Sop daging ayamnya enak deh... habis makan, kita balik ke rumah Ur, ngobrol - ngobrol bentar sambil istirahat, ( aku tidur dulu hihihi :D )
Sorenya bis bangun baru de siap2 buat keluar. planning awal  jam 6 molor ampe jam 6.30 karena kelamaan istirahat dan sibuk liadin peta Jogja serta planning untuk rencana hari esok :D

Perjalanan Hari Pertama,
ni Topeng Batik di Mirota Batik, minjem buat pose XD
Berempat, aku diboncengin ama Elda sedangkan Yuli ama Ur, kami ke Malioboro, tepatnya ke Mirota Batik. Hmm.. tempat seperti apa itu... pas masuk ada ibu2 pake kebaya dipintu masuk yang menyapa, baru - baru uda mencium bau..hm.. aroma terapi....ternyata semacam toko 3 lantai yang dilantai 1 nya menjual berbagai macam pakaian batik, mulai dari anak - anak hingga dewasa. Dilantai 2 nya, ada banyak accesories seperti kalung, gelang dan cincin,macam2 aroma terapi dan garu, lalu ada kerajinan tangan seperti wayang , pajangan2 dinding berupa lukisan maupun patung2 , dan ada juga tas - tas batik, sandal batik, topeng wajah dari batik, dan macam - macam de. Di Lantai 3 nya adalah Cafe, dilist menu nya si namanya Oyot Godhong tapi teman aku menyebut cafe itu, Raminten. untuk lebih lanjut mengenai Raminten ada di First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 3 ^^,
Yuli disalah satu sudut Mirota Lt. 2, sepintas kaya toko kelontong ^_^

Selanjutnya kami ke Kopi Jos ( ga ada rencana kesono tadinya, tapi karena sorenya sempet liad di Tv ada Marisa Haque ama keluarganya nyobain kopi Jos di Jogja, jadi kita pengen nyobain juga de )
Kami nongkrong di Angkringan kopi Jos , aku pikir apaan sih angkringan itu, ternyata angkringan itu model kaya tempat nongkrong yang pake tiker buat lesehan gitu.
Kami makan nasi kucing, dan aku baru tau, tiap bungkus nasi kucing itu isinya ga selalu sama, dan kita nebak2 aja kira2 kita dapat yang isinya apa :D
ternyata aku dapat yang isinya tahu, Ur dapat tempe , Yuli ama Elda cuma ama sambel :D
Untuk minumannya kita pengen nyobain Kopi Jos, tapi takut ga doyan jadi kita pesennya yang Kopi Susu Jos. rasanya lumayan enak dan ada sedikit aroma arang ( karena emang kopinya dicemplungin arang, katanya si arang yang membara dicemplungin kedalam kopinya, saat dihidangkan pun masi ada arangnya didalam gelas, jadi sebelum minum kami keluarin dulu pake sendok, kan ga lucu kalo keminum juga arangnya :D )
Bis dari Kopi Jos, kami ke Alkit (kalo ga salah namanya itu )
tempatnya rame, ada persewaan sepeda dan kaya odong2 gitu tapi  model untuk orang gede, yang mesti dikayuh juga oleh 1 orang dan yang lain cuma duduk aja, dihiasin  ama lampu2 yang dibentuk lucu2, seperti doraemon ,lumba2, love, dll.
Apa yang uniq disana? ternyata, adalah pohon beringin kembar nya.
Jadi, ada 2 Pohon beringin yang besar, dan masing2 dipagar. Disana ada satu cerita, kalo kita bisa berjalan lurus untuk mencapai tengah2 antara pohon tersebut dari jarak yang ditentukan dengan mata ditutup, maka permohonan kita akan terkabulkan.
Kedengarannya Seru kan? dan nampaknya mudah ya??
banyak yang mencoba disana, salah dua nya aku dan Yuli :D
yang pertama kali mencoba adalah Yuli, matanya ditutup pake kain, kami berjalan ikutin dia dari samping ( ga ada yang boleh kasi tau , tapi kami hanya ngejagain biar dia ga jatuh atau nabrak ) baru beberapa langkah udah tanda - tanda langkahnya makin ke kanan. sampe akhirnya mau nabrak pedagang, kami stop. dia kaget juga karena kok bisa ya ?? perasaan uda lurus kok bisa nyampe kekanan??
Next , aku yang coba, Yuli bercandain aku, kata dia " karena gw ke kanan jadi Ina mesti ke kiri ya"
aku nyari posisi tengah yang aku rasa uda pas,make a wish dan  mulai la jalan, ya ela,,, rasanya gimana gitu jalan dengan mata ditutup dan aku coba jalan pelan - pelan, takut nyandung sesuatu. Pas lagi jalan, banyak de orang iseng yang ngomong kesanaan, kesinian... blablablabla, tapi kita kan ga boleh dengerin kata orang, harus kata hati hahahah... tapi ternyata aku nyasar juga, dan bener aja tu kata Yuli, aku jalannya ke arah kiri
Emang ga semudah yang kita bayangkan, beda banget loh jalan dengan mata terbuka dan tertutup meski kita ngerasa kita jalan lurus, tapi ternyata tanpa disadari kita itu berbelok.

Ga putus asa nih, aku nyoba lagi , skali lagi, aku make a wish, dan jalan dengan mata ditutup pake kain.
kali ini perjalanan lebih panjang rasanya, dan tetap ada suara2 disekitar yang ngeledek, karena merasa ini uda terlalu jauh... aku merasa ini uda salah jalan pasti... uda nyasar jauh kali... tapi tu si Ur bilang belom.. belom sampe... sampe akhirnya aku distop in ternyata.... ya ampun.. gw belok nya jauh banget
jalannya ke arah kanan dan ibarat aku tadi diarah jam 6, sekarang aku ada diarah jam 3
Susah banget, heran de kalo ada yang bisa. Kata Yuli, itu mah kejauhan, orang keburu keder. lalu aku disuru coba, coba doank nih, ga sah, karena katanya sehari cuma boleh 2x aja, jadi aku coba motong jalan setengah. aku coba jalan, dan... kedenger sih ada orang ngomong "hampir ...hampir" wahh jangan - jangan da mau sampe nih, atau malah nyasar lagi? temen - temen aku pun ga kedengeran suaranya lagi nih... pas aku mau stop eh malah nginjek kaki orang, dan aku buka mata, ternyata gw ada ditengah - tengah pohon..wow... i can do it hohohohoh tapi ya gak sah karena setengah jalan tok wkwkwkw....

Habis jalan dipohon, kami nyemil jajanan, tempura2an goreng. terus lanjut de ke Tugu.
Aku kira tugu itu kaya apa, ternyata tugu biasa doank ditengah jalan. tapi banyak si anak muda yang ambil poto disana, termasuk kami hihihi...
Setelah puas disana, kami pulang, hmm.. uda malam sekitar jam 12 , dan udara dingin banget...

Bersambung ke...  First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 2
READ MORE - First Trip to Jogjakarta - Part 1

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

About Capricorn

Capricorns are good at making money. Ruled by dour Saturn, these practical and sensible folk don't believe in luck - Capricorns just know that the harder you work, the luckier you get. While shying from the spotlight,
Capricorns nevertheless can become quite powerful and respected, because they always put the good of the firm
first - and when they have partners and families, they have an extra reason to succeed. Ambitious Capricorns will set goals and mark off each achievement as a step nearer to the pinnacle of success - running their own show. This is what every Capricorn really wants.
The trouble is that Capricorns can get so caught up in climbing the ladder that they neglect their relationships. Make sure you keep in touch with your nurturing side, because things get really ugly when Capricorn starts putting a price on everything.

Sun Signs: 
The Capricorn is usually thin and shorter than average. Their faces are lean and they have small chins. If they are male, they generally have a sparse beard. They may have weak knees, which can lead to a self-conscious bearing when walking.

Capricorn has the domain of the skin, knees, and bones. Rashes, sports injuries, and osteoporosis can be a concern for the Capricorn. Good hygiene for the skin and calcium supplements should help to offset the major Capricorn complaints.
The Capricorn is better at enforcing authority than being in a higher position of power - they are prone to perfectionism and will micro-manage if put in an executive position. Excellent law enforcement officials or pilots, the Capricorn will work ceaselessly at whatever task is set to them.
Their intellectual capacity is quite high, but Capricorn will not speak up unless spoken too. This often gets in the way of their advancement. They make excellent teachers and academics.

Money & Finance
Capricorns are not afraid to work for their money, and this is a good thing since financial success is achievable only in this way for this sign. Yet, unlike for other signs of the Zodiac, Capricorns are too steady and too focused to be dissuaded from their goals, financial or otherwise. The good news for the Goat is that he or she will undoubtedly be rewarded for his or her efforts in time. His or her careful plodding along the right path will allow him or her to continually increase his or her earning potential.

Pessimistic by nature, Capricorns never feel as though they have "enough", and will always work to achieve more. They must be careful, though, not too work so hard at achieving money and climbing the corporate ladder that they neglect other goals, or neglect their health.

Challenges & Weaknesses
The Capricorns truly have a refrigerator where their heart should be. They are logical and practical all of the time. No emotions whatsoever, unless they feel it would benefit them. No other sign marries for money more than Capricorn.

Men & Romance
A Capricorn man is a very serious type of a guy. The woman who can romance a Capricorn man understands that he has a very logical and practical type of attitude about romance. Why, he's probably created a spreadsheet to analyze the benefits of having a relationship with her! The Capricorn man is an excellent candidate for a relationship if you can understand that his emotions are ruled by logic. This is not a man who will be won over by tears. Ever.

Women & Romance
A Capricorn woman listens to both her heart as well as her head. In some ways, you could say that the Capricorn woman thinks a bit more like the typical man than a woman, because she is more practical and logical than romantic and sentimental. The Capricorn woman will appreciate the man who appeals to her practical and logical nature. Keep in mind this does not mean to give her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday. That is - unless it is the very best vacuum cleaner that was just released this year. A Capricorn woman will notice more what you do than what you say. So be sure that you deliver on what you say you are going to do, this will romance your Capricorn woman in a way that a dozen roses simply never will for her.

READ MORE - About Capricorn

About Aquarius

The original, inventive thinking of an Aquarius can solve any problem in an original way, and if any of the other signs get stranded on a desert island, they'd want an Aquarian with them. Those with an Aquarius horoscope are deeply loyal and supportive friends, who choose friends for their inner qualities and not for their social standing.

The trouble is that Aquarians have barely any respect for authority. They flout it on every occasion and get a reputation for being anarchic and eccentric. Make sure you know the value of some established traditions, because things get ugly when you throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Sun Signs:

The greatest health danger to the Aquarian is their obstinate independence. They will often not visit doctors, especially when they believe that they have something more important to do. This often works against the Aquarian as they do tend towards illnesses of all kinds.

They generally have light hair in youth which darkens in later life, and long faces that are captivatingly attractive. They are shorter than average.

They govern the lower half of the legs and blood circulation, and so are prone to nervous complaints and gout. Excess alcohol should be avoided by the Aquarian, and regular exercise engaged in to improve circulation.

The Aquarian is independent, and will tend not to perform a task set to them unless they are given a good reason as to why it should be done. This can frustrate their superiors. As such, the Aquarian usually does best in individual pursuits, such as their own small business or professions of an artistic nature. Thomas Edison is an excellent example of the Aquarian character - highly intelligent but unwilling to fit under a corporate yoke, unless it is their own. They are technically brilliant and make good engineers and computer programmers.

Money & Finance
Aquarians seem to make money almost by accident, and are often self-employed. Visionaries and philosophers by nature, they are often too preoccupied with what they see as the more important issues in life to be obsessed by material possessions, investments or sometimes even bills!

Their ideas and innovative systems are often highly prized, and so they do seem to fall into money, but their resources can ebb and flow quite dramatically. This does not seem to both Aquarians, however, unless a lack of money starts to stand in the way of their dreams. The best course of action for an Aquarian is one of self-discipline and routine when it comes to money, in order to create a habit of correct money management.

Challenges & Weaknesses
An Aquarius can be quite unusual and different and they like it. Many of them get caught up in unusual political or society causes and they can be quite outspoken. It can be hard to keep a regular paycheck when you are always out chained to something and getting arrested.

Men & Romance
The Aquarius man is inventive and unusual so it makes sense that when it comes to romance, they are often looking for a "different" type of woman. The true secret to an Aquarius man is that they want a woman who is unusual in some way that they can brag about. Are you the top juggler for your state championship this year? Are you one of identical triplets? However you can make yourself seem special (maybe even a little weird) to them - will win their heart.

Women & Romance
The Aquarius woman is quite interesting. Aquarian women are rather logical but have a great inventive streak. The Aquarian woman is best romanced with originality. Dates that are special in ways that they are things that other people simply would not think to do, are the way to appeal to an Aquarian woman. Try tiny ethnic restaurants together or hunting down vintage clothing stores together. The Aquarian woman most likely has a great selection of 45s and would love someone to help her find new (old) records. 

READ MORE - About Aquarius

About Aries

Aries is good at fighting the good fight. Headstrong and impetuous, Aries rushes in where angels dare not tread. Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries loves to get in first anyway, and winning is important. The good Aries never backs down from a challenge. If anyone weaker needs to be protected, or an ideal needs to be defended, Aries is right there at the head of the column, and will fight to the end to see that Right prevails.

The trouble is that Aries doesn't always know what is right - bigger, noisier and better armed is not necessarily better. Winning is great, but not at the expense of honor. Make sure the cause is worth your zeal because things get downright ugly when Aries goes to the dark side and starts to fight just for the sake of it.

Sun Signs:

Aries are prone to injuries due to their impetuous natures. They are usually of medium height and are not prone to being either skinny or larger. They usually have a long neck and an oval face. ugly when Aries goes to the dark side and starts to fight just for the sake of it.

Aries tend to "sleep like the dead" owing to the frenetic pace at which they live their lives. Aries rules over the head and brain, and as such they are prone to headaches, depression and nervous disorders.

Aries employees are intelligent, ambitious, and will stop at nothing to get the job done and done correctly. However, they must be treated with the utmost respect and remunerated well for their services, or they will rebel through giving immediate notice or corporate espionage.

If they can manage to discipline their headstrong natures, Aries will be extremely successful materially.

Money & Finance
Aries are the entrepreneurs of the Zodiac, and money comes to them relatively easily. They do often have difficulty working as a subordinate to anyone, however, and can be difficult to manage unless given assignments that challenge them. Regardless, they are seldom out of work, and will blaze their own trails when they find themselves in a less than desirable employment situation.

Aries thrive on new opportunities, and are willing risk takers no matter what the stakes. At the same time, Aries have trouble holding onto their money for long and prefer to spend it rather than save it for a rainy day. Aries are very generous with their money, sometimes to a fault, and will give large amounts away to charity or to friends and family. This sign must be careful not to mix business with personal relationships too often, as they will find that others take advantage of them with little regard for their feelings.

Challenges & Weaknesses
This sign has got a problem with patience. For one thing: they don't have any! Whenever you see someone tapping their foot online, you can smile because you've found the Aries in the room. Aries love to be first and finish first and never like to wait. They can be very competitive, sometimes to the point of silliness. After all, who cares who drinks their milk the fastest? Some things just aren't a race!

Men & Romance
The Aries man appreciates a woman with confidence. Even a shy girl can get an Aries, just be confident about who you are and happy with yourself. The more satisfied you are with yourself - the Aries man will pick up on this and will respond accordingly. Aries men love hot and spicy things, so make him chili or Mexican food sometime. The Aries man has a lot of passion and can be very loyal to the right woman.

Women & Romance
The Aries woman loves a man with confidence, so whatever you decide to do - do it in a way that shows that you feel confident and self-assured. Bravery is also a big turn-on for the Aries woman, so men that do brave things will certainly get her attention. The Aries woman is not a "hearts and flowers" type of woman but that does not mean that she has a heart: actually she has a very passionate heart. Do not say anything to an Aries woman that you do not truly mean: she'll hold you to your promises. 

READ MORE - About Aries

About Cancer

Cancerians are good at nurturing. Ruled by the Moon, they make great parents, and can be selfless when it comes to making sacrifices for their families. Cancerians are also shrewd judges of character, and give useful advice. They are quick to offer a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on, followed by a warm hug. A kind, caring Cancerian is a blessing in times of crisis. Cancerians love food, and spoiling the people they love. Family comes first with Cancerians, but even when they have little or no family of their own, they will create a family atmosphere with their friends.

The trouble is that they tend to get addicted to the role of nurturer, and find it hard to let go when loved ones need to stand on their own feet. Make sure you know when to step back as well as forward, because things get really ugly when your mother love turns to smother love.

Sun Signs:

Of average height, the Cancer typically has a thicker body and short legs. They are usually pale-skinned, with a round face and a full mouth.

Cancer is in charge of the chest, breasts, stomach, and the female reproductive system. As such Cancers need to be on guard of all potential diseases of these areas, particularly cancers and gout. They also tend to have weak eyes.

The Cancer is suited to a wide range of occupations. His instinctual nature makes him an excellent journalist and writer. They are also excellent at looking after others, making them excellent health care professionals. Also a good organizer, the Cancer makes a good project manager.

Money & Finance
Work is not an expression of individuality for the Crab; it is rather a means of security. Cancers will often hoard any monies they bring in and feel very possessive over their wealth. Money is the key to stability for this sign, and they will do whatever they need to in order to keep money flowing into their accounts. They are not afraid to work for their pay, though, and employers often praise Cancers for their dedication and ability to focus on the task at hand.

A Cancer's fridge is always full of food and their bank accounts well balanced. They rarely lend money, but will do so without complaint if they believe the asker to be trustworthy. Cancers must be beware not to make their savings their sole indicator of self worth, and to avoid worrying about money when no problems have presented themselves to account for the anxiety.

Challenges & Weaknesses
A Cancer is often known for being a homebody and being nurturing. But some Cancers can literally be glued to their homes, it is like you need a crowbar to get them to go out! They are quite happy sitting at home eating frozen pizza and watching old movies on the tube. They could do this for twenty years. They don't like to make new friends, they'll complain about the ones they have but at least they know who they are. Sometimes better the Devil you know for the Cancers!

Men & Romance
The Cancer man is one that you can truly romance with a home cooked meal. This man is very connected with just how good it feels to be at home, much more than the typical guy. Keep in mind that the Cancer man is going to notice your home décor and how you keep your home. You don't have to be a pristine housekeeper to romance a Cancer guy - but you do need to keep things homey: no plastic slipcovers on your furniture when getting involved with this man.

Women & Romance
The Cancer woman has a reputation for being a homebody, but that is not entirely the case. A Cancer woman does love her home, creates a beautiful home and is very territorial about who she invites into her home. A man actually knows he is special when a Cancer woman invites her into her home, because not every man is invited into this private sanctuary. Most importantly, the Cancer woman likes to be comfortable - and this is important to keep in mind when romancing her. Take her to places that she enjoys or things that she likes to do. When she feels at home, she knows that you are treating her special and this touches her heart. 

READ MORE - About Cancer

About Gemini

Geminis are good at communicating. Born multi-taskers, they can keep many balls in the air at once, holding down two jobs, even dating two people. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini's great strength is adaptability, the chameleon talent of being able to fit in anywhere. Gemini's other gift is youthfulness. Always interested in anything new, Geminis are able to keep up with the trends and stay young. When Gemini is functioning full throttle, no one is better at making even complex tasks seem easy.

The trouble is that Geminis can get carried away with their own wit and talk more than they work. Less time spend gossiping round the water cooler, and more time actually at the desk, will see you shooting ahead in your career. Things just get ugly when you get caught up in trivia and overlook the important things.

Sun Signs: 

A Gemini will often have a boyish or girlish face, even into adulthood. They have very attractive bodies, arresting eyes, and prominent facial features. They never stop moving and as such do not risk excessive weight gain as a rule.

Gemini is the ruling sign of the arms, shoulders, lungs, hands, and nervous system, so Geminis need to be on guard for anything affecting the upper portion of the body, and recurring respiratory illness such as bronchitis. They may also burnout from stress easily if they don't take a break now and then to recuperate from their hectic lives.

Geminis are very intellectual creatures and as such do best as academics or creative managers. Not ones to stick with a project, they do best in jobs where they spend short bursts of time and energy on something, such as photographers, actors, or designers. The Gemini is fully in the moment and does excellent work while they can stay with it. They do have to watch how they spend money as they can be impetuous and rack up debt quickly.

They are also excellent public speakers and make good politicians.

Money & Finance
Geminis have a seemingly lackadaisical attitude toward money; they hate balancing their books and do so only to facilitate a new business venture or to stretch a budget to accommodate an adventure. That being said, Geminis will always find new ways to make money, and even save money if they need to.

With their charming personalities and innate penchant for negotiations to their benefit, Geminis are rarely out of work, and rarely have all of their eggs in one basket. In fact, it is a common Gemini characteristic to have a second career on the backburner! Geminis must be careful not to lose touch with the practical steps they must take in order to achieve their long-term financial goals.

Challenges & Weaknesses
Some would say the Gemini has many interests - and they do, but this often means that they are all over the place! They are true social butterflies: with jam-packed schedules and too many things to do and often many of them are superficial. They also try things for two weeks and drop them like a hot rock when they get bored.

Men & Romance
A Gemini guy likes a lot of variety in his life. Now this doesn't always mean that he has lots of girlfriends - but keep in mind that sometimes it does. Geminis are very skillful flirts. The Gemini man is well romanced by the woman who can romantically banter back and forth with him. He also likes a woman who can have conversations with him on many different topics. The Gemini man loves to do many different things - so one date you could go salsa dancing and other night you could go spelunking.

Women & Romance
A Gemini woman is certainly very interesting to romance. The Gemini woman loves variety - so whatever you do, make sure to keep things lively and interesting. Make dates active and interesting. Go salsa dancing one night, an art opening another and try an evening at home for another date. The kiss of death for this woman is making her eat pizza and watch movies at home night after night. The Gemini woman is also seduced by the man who can keep her in good conversation. The man who can entertain her with interesting tid bits of information and engage her on several topics for the evening will be the one that keeps her attention. 

READ MORE - About Gemini

About Leo

Leos are good at being warm hearted, generous and kind. Ruled by the Sun, they love to shine and are great extroverts. Leos enjoy company and love to spoil everyone and share their own good fortune. Their pride and dignity makes them the kind of person others naturally look up to, and are always first to offer advice and counsel. Like the King of Beasts that is their zodiac symbol, Leos like to be the boss, and expect everyone to defer to them.

The trouble is, Leo pride refuses to admit that it is ever wrong about anything. When that advice is offered, Leos expect it to be followed to the letter. Make sure you really have the other person's best interests at heart, and don't just want to dominate them. Things can get downright ugly when Leo pride ignores someone else's right to a mind of their own.

Sun Signs: 

Leos are generally larger than those around them, even if only through charisma. They are usually taller than average and lean in youth, although they tend to put on weight later in life. Their hair is usually blonde and they have wide, prominent eyes.

Leo reigns over the upper back, forearms, heart, and spine. They are therefore subject to ailments like carpal tunnel, heart disease, and scoliosis. Leos should take extra care to eat a heart-healthy diet, and work off some of that excess weight if they have it.

The Leo is a natural born leader, and will be a manager or senior executive if they do not own a business outright. Leo does not make an excellent employee unless you are prepared to give them complete power and control over their department - anything less will rankle the Leo's need to be complete master of their domain.

They will be successful as long as they can harness their true potential, and not get sidetracked by pet causes or projects. Leo has the rare ability to inspire his workforce to prosperous acts of teamwork.

Money & Finance
Lovers of luxury, and sometimes obsessed by social status, Leos surround themselves with unique and expensive things. They are the most likely of the signs to buy designer clothing and live an extravagant lifestyle. In all aspects of life, it is important for Leos to be the center of attention, and Leos will use their money and any other means to achieve and maintain this position.

Yet Leos are also strongly resourceful, and aren't likely to go bankrupt, provided they are kept away from spending money on pure trivialities or gambling. Leos are likely to command attention and do well in positions that allow them to lead others. Becoming a leader is normally key to a Leo's wealth; they do well to delegate and accomplish work through others.

Challenges & Weaknesses
The Leo can be a bit of a show-off. There is no other sign that will talk endlessly about themselves to anyone, if there is any chance of anyone even remotely listening. They'll twist any tale to make it so that they are the best and the most important of all. While Leos can do many impressive things - all of this showing off can get to be a bit of a big bore.

Men & Romance
A Leo man truly wants a woman who acts a bit like a king. You see, secretly the Leo thinks that he is royalty, so he will be attracted to the woman who knows that she is a queen. This does not mean to behave like a spoiled pop star, but to dress glamorously and to treat people royally will get the attention of this man. That is the direct line to this man's heart. When you do something with or for the Leo man, make it a bit of a production. His birthday every year should be celebrated with a big party.

Women & Romance
When you want to romance a Leo woman, you really need to make a production of it. Leo women like a little bit of a presentation when it comes to anything that you do. Dress extra special or take them to a fancy restaurant. Make sure you get the best table or something that is exclusive. Keep in mind this doesn't mean that the Leo woman is a gold digger or only into the guy who has mega-bucks: but she does want and deserve to be treated like royalty. When you treat her like royalty she'll know you are romancing her and will respond with great passion. 

READ MORE - About Leo

About Pisces

Pisces are good at creating beauty in their lives. Ruled by Neptune, Pisceans are sensitive and imaginative, Pisceans can turn their hands to any artistic or craft endeavor and succeed. They love movies, music, painting, and walking along the shore in the twilight. Hopelessly romantic and generous to a fault, they fall in love easily and are very trustworthy, and trusting. Compassionate Pisceans believe life can be as wonderful as their dreams if people would only be nice to each other. Pisceans are happiest when they have created their own universe, and have filled it with people who understand their need for peace and beauty.

The trouble is that Pisceans have no discrimination at all. They are easily deceived by the less scrupulous. Make sure you take off your rose colored glasses, because you won't even see how ugly things get when someone takes advantage of you.

Pisces is also known for their weak constitution. They are shorter than average, and have round faces with large, protruding eyes. They govern the lymphatic system, the feet, and the liver, and as such are prone to a number of illnesses. Excess alcohol should definitely be avoided by Pisces, but given their artistic temperament this advice will usually go unheeded. If female they are also prone to heavy periods.

Pisces is the sign of the artist. Musicians, actors, and particularly visual artists find their place under this sign. Anything involving creativity is in the Piscean domain. Pisceans will either be successful beyond their wildest dreams or poor as churchmice, depending on how willing they are to work hard at their chosen art. A Pisces is generally risk-averse and wouldn't do well at playing the stock market, but they could compose a symphony easily.

Money & Finance
They say that Geminis have two natures in a single personality, but this can easily be said about Pisceans as well, especially when it comes to money. Pisces are prone to both irrational and excessive worrying about money which makes them very budget-conscious and even cheap, and extreme generosity which enables close loved ones to indulge in utmost luxury.

The Fish have trouble balancing these two sides of themselves, and also face a moral conflict in regards to money; they tend to hate money because of the greed it has bred in society, yet they also see it as necessary for their very lofty goals. Pisces must be very careful to sort out their emotions regarding money, and not let emotion get in the way of sound financial planning.

Challenges & Weaknesses
Many love the soft, sweet, compassionate Pisces. But these wily, manipulative fish can twist the facts and often have you feeling sorry for them to do their bidding. Before you know it, you're doing their taxes and running their errands - all because they have a headache. This sign has many addicts and people that overindulge.

Men & Romance
The Pisces man seems ideal to have a romance with. He's thoughtful, caring and very sentimental. The woman who will romance a Pisces man understands that he's also a little bit psychic and very imaginative. She'll know that sometimes things overwhelm him and that she'll need to protect him from that uncle that calls to borrow money from him because he's the soft spot in the family. Or from the neighbor who always asks him to fix things.

Women & Romance
The Pisces woman is very vulnerable to romance: quite frankly she'll believe just about anything you tell her. But she's so sweet and vulnerable you'd feel like a real cad for telling her anything but the absolute truth. A great way to romance a Pisces woman is to show your compassion for others - rescuing a stray cat or helping a charity organization would truly tug at her heartstrings. The Pisces woman sees and feels love everywhere. 

READ MORE - About Pisces

About Taurus

Taurus is good at good living. This luxury loving sign enjoys wine, relationships and parties, and is a superb host. Taureans enjoy comfortable homes, sumptuous feasts and well stocked cellars. Known to be immensely stubborn, Taurus is also a loyal friend and partner. Security, both financial and emotional, is very important to Taureans. Placid Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus would rather make love than war, and prefers a good meal to a good argument. They are quite materialistic, but delight in sharing.

The trouble is that Taurus tends to be more gourmand than gourmet, and doesn't know where to stop. Sooner or later all that good living is going to have to be worked off with some serious exercise. Make sure you watch the calories because things get downright ugly when all that good living goes to the Taurean waistline.

Sun Signs: 

Taurus is usually heavyset and strong. They are given to being muscular, which can lead in older age to corpulence if they do not keep up their physical activity.

Features usually include a wide forehead and large eyes - William Shakespeare's famous portrait is illustrative of a typical Taurus face.

Taurus reigns over the throat and neck and as such they are susceptible to throat infections and respiratory ailments like asthma. They also risk problems with the sexual organs, liver, and kidneys.

The Taurus is the ideal nose-to-the-grindstone employee. They will give everything they have to their employer, with undying loyalty. Taurus also has a mortal fear of going into debt.

Taurus also has a fear of change, which may become an issue for them in today's rapidly changing career landscape.

Taurus is best in positions of routine responsibility, where the salary is solid and a pension awaits them in retirement. They do not take risks. They are also very good with their hands and aren't afraid of manual labor if necessary.

Money & Finance
Those born under this sign expect to enjoy the luxuries in life, but they also aren't afraid to work hard to earn the money to pay for them. Bulls are notoriously hard workers, and although known to be stubborn, they tend to be respectful and loyal employees. They are likely to make wise and well-researched investments, and are unlikely to pursue the riskier ways of making money.

That is not to say that they are not capable of innovative thinking, but their uses of creativity are often subtle and will often be seen as purely logical steps by others. Those born under Taurus must be careful to surround themselves with dreamers and creative types, so as to not overlook unconventional opportunities that may get them where they want to be faster. Good pairings include Geminis, Scorpios and Pisces.

Challenges & Weaknesses
The Taurus bull is known for being patient and kind but the flip side of all of this is that the Taurus can be kind of stubborn. You simply cannot tell a Taurus what to do. They'll make up their mind in their own time, and once they've made up their mind - you can't tell them what to do. It is like they don't listen, because they don't!

Men & Romance
Now some Taurus men have a reputation for being a bit dull. You may have heard of the perfectly nice guy who sits in his lounger chair every evening to watch television and goes bowling every Thursday night - for thirty years!!! That's a Taurus guy for you. They love routine. He's also someone that appreciates beauty in all forms, so his home and surroundings will be beautiful. Keep your place beautiful too. Even if you are just serving him a snack, arrange it on the plate to look pretty. The Taurus will notice.

Women & Romance
To romance a Taurus woman you first need to romance her senses. The Taurus woman loves and appreciates beauty in every form: so romance her with things that she finds beautiful. From beautiful flowers (make sure they are her favorite flowers, not just the classic roses), to beautiful music and sumptuous surroundings and delicious food. The Taurus woman will notice that you have taken great care with every detail in her honor and that will be the most romantic thing you could do for her. 

READ MORE - About Taurus